The Exiled Realm of Arborea Shrine

Welcome to my TERA Online shrine. I'll be slowly adding all sorts of information about this game. From basic stuff about the races and classes, to the most notable dungeons, to discussing the combat and my various thoughts and reminiscing about times past, many things will appear here with time.

Thanks to...

Before I get into anything, I want to mention that this layout is a homage to my friend pomelo. Since she's also an MMO enjoyer, what better place to honor her vibrant style than an MMO shrine?

TERA, in brief

TERA is a South Korean MMORPG that first got released in 2011. The official servers have shut down in June of 2022.
This game has been my obsession since I first discovered it in 2011. I didn't get to play it until it was past its prime - in 2015. But even still, I've enjoyed my time in it until the day the game closed, and then I carried on by playing in a private server. I haven't played for over a year now due to various circumstances, but I will eventually come back crawling, as I always do.

This game has been my gateway into online friendships and communities, some of which are still lasting, and craziest of all, it's where I met my husband...

It's hard to describe just how big of an impact TERA has had on my life, so in this one place I'll attempt to pour some of my knowledge and experiences.